Why invite aj?

What is AJ's difference? Scientific approach with a heart to make your learning event effective and memorable.

He is not your typical fly-by-night, self-proclaimed speaker looking for a gig.

He is certified by international organizations in his craft and had more than a decade of experience under his belt. And in the process, perfected his understanding of what it takes to make a successful learning event fitted to any organization.

Top 10 Reasons Why AJ is your Better choice

AJ’s original training is in Organizational Development and he is a current practitioner of this discipline. He graduated with honors from the University of the Philippines with a degree of BA Organizational Communication and had his masters at the same university with Developmental Communication.

Besides the usual training subject matters, AJ is well-trained and will utilize a scientific approach called Neuro-semantics and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) that is a proven way to reach the core of the thinking of your employees that will really move them to action on all their realizations. These technologies are used by big companies around the world to enhance their employee effectiveness.

AJ is very funny from start to finish. People love the way their information is wrapped in humor. AJ instantly elevates the audience experience with humor and fun. Every bit of AJ’s humor leads to a lesson that applies in business and life.

AJ is not just a speaker – he’s an experience. Your audience will get a hybrid mix of trainer, thought leader, motivational speaker, comic, and master storyteller with the real-life experience to back it up. He combines all of these skills to create a memorable, content-rich, change-inspiring performance that can inspire momentum and fuel personal and professional growth on extraordinary new levels.

There are two kinds of speakers- first who puts the audience to sleep and the second who awakens a sleeping audience to a new world of possibilities.

People listen to AJ. From Teenagers to Millennials to Baby Boomers and everything in between, AJ’s message resonates with all ages, industries, and professions. He has spoken in front of students to university presidents, of employee to CEO’s, of government employees to senators. He is a one-man show that knows how to engage, entertain, and educate people in powerful new ways.

AJ is a master storyteller because he gives powerful stories. Science has proven that we don’t take any action without having a visual image first, and that our thoughts are not stored as words, but as images. Therefore, data (facts, information, lessons) will not have an impact on your listener until it is wrapped in an image. Stories are images.

Teaching through stories allows your audience to do more than just be told information (which they can’t process or have an emotional connection to). Stories allows them to test drive the truth, come to their own conclusions, see the lesson as it applies to real life, trust the teacher, and have that lesson buried deep into their hearts to later access and apply. Stories does the work. AJ doesn’t tell stories just because they sound good. He uses them to teach in a way that has a lasting impact

AJ’s talks centers on a call to action. No matter what AJ’s business, spiritual or motivational topic, there is always an underlying message to motivate the audience to want to act on this new realization. Telling them what they should do is not the same as making them want to do it. AJ’s motivation is all about making people feel important to the bottom lines of their organizations. People want to know they matter, and they want to know that they are part of something bigger than their job description. He doesn’t just focus on the “what” they need to do, but on the “why” they need to do it.

AJ will  base his programs on your needs and realities and not just using a “shotgun” approach. Your learning event will be unique and tailor-fit to your needs. He makes sure that all his modules and activities are geared to help solve what present realities your organizations are currently facing.

AJ will not only focus on the spiritual or business or organizational aspects of the retreat but also the psycho-emotional well being of each individual audience. He will utilize scientific tools in the retreat like Meta-coaching, Neuro-semantics and Neuro Linguistic Programming so that a clearer and better result will be achieved by the retreat.

For spiritual (or Faith-based) retreats, AJ makes sure that as the facilitator, the retreats (or recollections) that he facilitates is strongly guided by the teachings of the Church. AJ is constantly in touch and seeks guidance from his priest-consultants and theologian-academics to make sure that his retreat modules are in consonance with Church teachings.

Now let's talk about your event.

Let's find out what's the best way we can do for your organization. Let's explore all the possibilities we can find that can give you the best results yet at the same time will fit your organization's resources. There's no harm in trying, right? As one famous philosopher said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Let's take the first step, shall we? Click the button below to get in touch with me.

Email: hello@ajperez.ph
Viber/Whatsapp: +63 995 830 4070
Mail: NHQ Building, Gempesaw Ext., Davao City, 8000​

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